Hardware is an essential part to every exhaust system, however, it is often overlooked by most companies. A person usually finds out how essential hardware is after his or her car is on jack stands , they are elbow deep in grease and don't have the right part to finish the job. Gardner Exhaust has been that person, that is why we do all the research for you so all you have to do is put the system in. All the correct hardware can and will be provided for you. Pictured below is a sample of this hardware. |
All the flanges pictured below other than the cast GTO flangs are NOS flanges made by the original manufacturer. In most cases we are the only company to offer them. We have taken the liberty to include one raw steel flange and one ceramic coated concours flange in the picture. All flanges other than the cast GTO flange will be included with the base price of one of our systems. The cast GTO flanges are optional at the time of purchase. |